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Earthquakes Details - Event ID#62042811

Earthquake Details for ID# 62042811
Earthquake data from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN).

PNSN Info Page:

Magnitude: 1.5 Ml

UTC Time: Monday, September 02, 2024, 04:25:17 GMT

Local Time: Sunday, September 01, 2024, 21:25:17 PDT

How Long Ago: 5 days 10 hours 27 seconds ago

Coordinates: 46.8317, -121.6158

Distance From Summit: 11.198 km (6.958 mi)

Bearing From Summit: ESE (102°)

Depth: 6.6 km (4.1 mi)

5 Nearest Park Locations:
(Distance and Direction to the earthquake from the location)
1. Boulder Creek - 0.335 km (0.208 mi) to the NE (37°)
2. Cowlitz Chimneys - 1.992 km (1.238 mi) to the SSW (195°)
3. Sarvant Glaciers - 2.553 km (1.586 mi) to the S (175°)
4. Mary Belle Falls - 2.280 km (1.417 mi) to the NNE (30°)
5. Wauhaukaupauken Falls - 1.866 km (1.160 mi) to the ENE (71°)

Earthquake Spectra: Experimental

Earthquake data from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN).